Parent Guardian Support Group

Workforce Development Global Alliance (WDGA)

Founded in August 2006, WDGA is an innovative non-profit organization that equips opportunity youth, ages 15-25 years, with the essential tools needed to cultivate peaceful relationships and succeed in today’s workforce. In 2011, WDGA (2steps2work) expanded to Homestead PA and to Pitcairn (Boyz2MENtoring) in 2020 delivering its signature program to the local communities which embodies a “Local to Global” program with Kenya, Africa.


To promote economic self-sufficiency through peace and employability for opportunity youth.


Equipping youth with essential tools to develop peaceful relationships, avert violence, become civic leaders and attract employment opportunities promoting community and economic development.


To encourage and equip area youth to build healthy relationships, develop passions, contribute to community, and personal growth.


WDGA’s signature program – empowers youth to Get Along and Get Ahead. Programs are designed to educate, expose, empower, equip, and employ community youth.

2Steps2Work equips youth with problem-solving skills to resolve conflict: STEP 1 – GET ALONG and provides the career development skills to become employable: STEP 2 – GET AHEAD.

STEP 1 – GET ALONG -The Youth Peace Ambassador Program
Step 1 enables youth to resolve disputes and create accountability / integrity. The youth are involved in Peace training and conflict management over a 6-week period. This workshop teaches students about Life Skills – Cultural competencies, improved relationships, leadership essentials, integrity and ethics, teamwork, peace, and conflict resolution.

STEP 2 – GET AHEAD – The Internship Program
WDGA collaborates with local employers to expose youth to career opportunities and provide work experience. Step 2 provides a work school / career platform leading to employability and economic self-sufficiency.

GET CONNECTED: WDGA encourages our youth to participate in community activities, both locally and globally. Participants in the United States join with their counterparts in Kenya Africa to achieve similar objectives by working through cultural exchanges. Teens collaborate and organize community events in their respective communities.


A group of parents with common life situations, experiences, and challenges who gather to help themselves by helping each other. They meet to share ideas, resources, frustrations and successes.

WDGA PGSG provides a venue for sharing of information, strategies and resources. It is an opportunity for families to learn new skills, set new goals, and develop into a strong group of leaders for the youth in our communities. Support Group Meetings provide a platform for parents to use their experience to help others and provide a place to socialize, connect and network.


Zoom will be the standard meeting platform with an occasional in-person social meet (TBD). Discuss expectations of group members. Guidelines provide ideas for the group’s interactions. GOALS

 Provide a platform to connect families, share ideas, expertise and resources  Develop a strong network of family leaders across Homestead and Pitcairn  Be a source of support to local families


 Educational or Informational Opportunities
 Guest Lectures and Trainings on Special Topics  Social Events and Outings

Support Groups work best when everyone involved embraces ownership and responsibility for the group. Together we aspire – Together we achieve!


Starshemah (STAR) Duncan is the co-owner and founder of Restoring Hope Counseling Center, LLC and provides a holistic approach to Restoration. STAR conducts a mental health workshop for our students. STAR noticed that things were constantly changing but one thing that remained constant was – Helping Others.


WDGA will host a joint Parent/Student Financial Literacy workshop at Carnegie Library. Date TBD.


The Parent/Guardian Support Group’s overall purpose is to seek the well-being of parents/guardians and students. We strive to come together to strengthen families in the community. With the support of WDGA and the input of parents/guardians, a strong foundation will be built upon which the youth can stand. WDGA looks forward to a successful outcome in every endeavor that is chosen to be pursued. Thank you for being a part of this group. Let’s begin!

  • identifying the problem
  • brainstorming as many solutions as possible
  • jointly evaluating the pros and cons
  • deciding on a solution to try
  • putting the solution into action
  • reviewing the solution after a period of time.

Mental Health and Holistic Resources

Starshemah Duncan is the co-owner and founder of Restoring Hope Counseling Center, LLC and provides a holistic approach to Restoration. Ms. Duncan conducts a mental health workshop for students. Ms. Duncan noticed that things are constantly changing but one thing that remains the same is, people are always striving to find the next best thing. However, she believes that there is one thing that remains constant—helping others. Her motto is, “Meet the client where they are within life’s journey.” She witnessed the significance and resultant impact of people knowing that they are heard and valued.

Financial Literacy Workshop

WDGA will host a joint Parent/Student Financial Literacy workshop each year.

End Result

The Parent/Guardian Support Group’s overall purpose is to seek the well-being of parents/guardians and students. We strive to come together to strengthen families and the communities where they live. We can do this TOGETHER…With the support of WDGA and the direction of parents/guardians, a strong foundation will be built upon which the youth can stand.

WDGA looks forward to a successful outcome in every endeavor that is chosen to be pursued. Thank you for being a part of this group. Let’s begin!

Parental Consent Form