Student Application

Section 1: Tell us about you:

Section 2: Tell us about your challenges

Section 3: Where do you see yourself in five years?

For example :
- A hair stylist, A lawyer, An artist, An engineer, An architect, A professional athlete
- Start my own business (entrepreneur)
- Other (Write on back if necessary)
If you are under 18, you must obtain a Parental (Guardian) Consent Form (separate from application). click here to open the consent form

THANK YOU for applying to the 3STEPS2WORK Dynamic Dozen Program. We’re so happy that you’re joining us on this journey!

Confidentiality and Disclaimer of Liability:

All information related to this application is held in strictest confidence and will be used for the express purpose of WDGA’s program (s) selection process. With respect to documents and processing, neither WDGA nor any of its employees, contractors, or volunteers assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.